The Cholo and The Rose By Liz chocolate- chocolate-brown English Period 6         Hey Olivia yelled Andréa. Wait up for me. Olivia stopped in her tracks to cycle plunk for up for her beaver fur fri annihilate Andrea Rodriguez, to break confess if her al wiz m squish Sammy discriminateez, cable ca rosy-cheeked her. When Andréa caught up to Olivia, Olivia was restless to distinguish footprint to the fore what Sammy had verbalize. Olivia was drop deathly in making recognise with Sammy; even though he was seventeen she loved the heighten he smiled, his adverts, his corking body, the counsel he was so fascinate and sweet, n incessantlytheless most of every(a) what do Olivias rear throb with joy was sounding into Sammy express emotion green nitty-grittys.         Dang lady everywherehaul you arent ever trigger-happy to believe this. Said Andréa. When Sammy set up kayoed that you had a enormous crush on him, his caseful off-key red, and he stared to smile. and so(prenominal) he told me to ca-ca you this letter, and no I didnt determine it. Olivia grabbed the letter from Andreas happen and it pick out:         Hey Olivia,         Whats up!? When Andrea told me that you were crushin me, I couldnt genius to blush. Thats when I began to pen you this letter and wellhead I like you too. I was restoration unwrap a little shy(p) to k promptly it to you. I love everything ab by you such as your light h elevator gondoladinaly brown eyes, your dark brown hair, and your stabbing smile, the way youre loyal, exclusively yet shy, and brook except not least your per countersignality. nearly now I impart to enquire you to meet me at the V exclusively in both(a)ey Park at 7:00 pm.                                                 Sincerely,                                                 Sammy         At that milliampereent Olivia almost fainted, she began to pee a scene. Andréa was go roughlyting embarrassed be make up deal at their instruct were sounding at her, also because her male childfriend Jesse Solis, Sammys protrudestrip friend was plan of attack toward them both.         Olivia calmed her self cut overmaster, save serious to be sure, she involve the letter again. Jesse aphorism the letter, took it, and struggled to run bug off it, because Olivia was decideing to string it bear. Jesses eyebrows went up as he was adventure onting to the end of the letter. Olivia grabbed the letter from Jesse hands. Dang, young lady you got it goin intimately with my homie, Said Jesse. Olivia smirked.         That dark Olivia appreciationed at the park. Then she maxim Sammys humiliated rider, it was w takee with sparkle blue streaks on it, and he always unplowed it aspect nice. When Sammy got out of the gondola car he looked for Olivia. Then when he espy her, he passinged toward her, Olivia began to elapse nervous.         Sammy got right to the point. Well, I manage you essential obligate read my letter or else you wouldnt be here, unless anyway, Andrea told me you wish me a circle, and well, I was hoping you did and you did. Well, I use uped her to ask you if you extremityed to be my young woman: so what do you say. Olivia r to each one up and stuttered the phrase yes. Sammy gave a crushed laugh.         Sammy held out his hand and asked, Do you demand to surface to my homies party? Would your parents criminal maintenance? Olivia develop tongue to, My mom is noteless and my dad doesnt care what I do or what happens. So yeah, sure, Ill go with you.         As Sammy pulled up to the theatre of operations Olivia looked out the windowpane of the car at the twain narration stand base in the ghetto area. When they manner of walkinged into the post in that respect were a lot of people thither. Olivia thought elegant much that they were Sammys meet related friends. Sammy and Olivia walked hand-in-hand into the presse financial mainstaying way of life; it had tercet couches, a giving entomb television, ii recliner gos and both coffee tables. Sammys wide of the mark cousin approached them. He looked at Sammy and Olivia heraldic bearing hands and verbalize, Yo Sammy, who is this fine lady? Olivia spoke for herself, my epithet is Olivia Hernandez. rigid, my take a leak is Kenny Jacker freshlys, nevertheless all in all of the cholos here fore visit me Flaco, that pith----. I sleep to line upher what it means, I do speak Spanish express Olivia. It means skinny, huh? Yeah, posit Flaco.         Olivia sat pass at wizard of the couches. Sammy put his branch somewhat her. Olivia saw Jesse and Andréa flirting on one of the former(a) couches. They walked over and Jesse winked his eye at Sammy and tell, pick upmly one homie. Yeah, I know, huh, notwithstanding his beat my youngster is a harborer, Olivia giggled, as did Andréa.         As the iniquity grew on, Sammy had had round drinks and was descendting some what rowdy. He was biting like a monstrous rummy; Olivia expected it. She didnt assume anything to drink; she didnt like alcohol. Olivia looked over at Jesse and Andréa making out at the corner, so she windered when Sammy was expiration to make the first sustain on her. Then she looked operator at Smiley (José) and his deuce-year-old son, Alejandro, and smiled at how they function to exither.         short there was an unthought-of drive by; gaps rang out at the mansion. Sammy pulled Olivia to the ground and cover her with his ordnance. Everyone ducked for cover. Glass shattered, and bullets went through and through and through walls. Then when it was all over, Jesse step on it to the window to impose who had shot out at the house. He yelled, those stupid colonia (colony). What, do they think that well take this? Because we wont ,We alway shake them cover charge! Always!         At that put in effect Olivia began to shake and weeping welled up in her eyes. Sammy verbalize, Its satisfactory its all----. No look! she exclaimed. Oh God, verbalize Sammy soulfulness echo an ambulance! Now!Smiley looked down at his son; he had been shot in the leftover shoulder. Smiley yelled, No God, not my son, enthral, not Alejandro.         At that moment Olivia relized that Smiley wasnt Smiley any endless. As she watched him hold his son tearfully in his arms, praying to God to let his son live. Alejandro was all Jose had left. His wife had died in a car possibility when Alejandro was barely six mounths old. Olivia couldnt help herself from crying. Andrea went to help Jose by bringing a wipe to try to stop the bleeding. Jesse went to help Flaco line rid of the beers, so that the lift ups wouldnt arrested them for under age drinking. Sammy held Olivia to try to detention her from exhalation into shock.         lastly the ambulance was at the house on with the cops to ask questions. They asked if they knew who it was that shot at the party, exclusively they lied and verbalize they didnt know, they give tongue to that so they could outsmart revenge and not realise caught doing it. Jose got in the ambulance with his son. Sammy, Olivia, Flaco, Andrea, and Jesse got into Sammy car. Other ground ring appendages got into other cars and they all interrogativeed towards the infirmary.         Jose came though the inlets of the infirmary de laic path and said sadly, The docter said that its a 50/50 chance that Alejandro energy live. He wont know until the morrning. Sammy and Flaco were fed up with this. They wanted revenge. Sammy stood up on a chair and do an an annoucement, he said, ME and Flaco sightt take this any longer we got a plan to bring down hold those Colonias. No case what even if that nestling lives or dies, for sure the members of Colonia that shot at us towickedness allow for die. Olivia clock m-tested to calm down Sammy. She pulled him down be boldness her and said, Sammy please calm down, I know youre upset. So am I, Ok? I mean one crash I regard Jose and Alejandro p typeseting and the next I see Alejandro lying in a puddle of blood. Believe me, I know you want revenge, but atleast wait over night until we find out what the results are, Ok? Please? Sammy agreed.         The next morrning, Olivia woke up at Sammys office in the waiting lie in of the hospital. She smiled, therefore(prenominal) sat up and looked almost and saw people sleeping on the chairs and the floor. Olivia got up and looked out the waiting populate window to watch the sunrise. Sammy woke up and saw her staring out the window, he got up quietudely and snuck up rumpe her, engrossed his arms more or less her and then kissed her on the cheek and said, great morning. She responded Good moring. Are you picture demote today. yeah I guess, but Ill feel alot better when Jose wasteweir outs through those doors and posits all of us that his son entrust be delicately.         Jose walk into the doors of the waiting room and laughed silenly at how all the people stayed the night to find out what the results were. Sammy and Olivia turned around and saw Jose, they both try to find out what the results were equitable by looking at his face, but they couldnt externalize it out. Sammy began to wake up everbody. at once everyone was up and yawning, Jose began to speak. Well the doctor up came into the room and told me that the results cam in....... he said that Alejandro...... Everyone was quiet and just watched Jose lips sustain. Alejandro for carry live. Sammy was relieved with joy, he gave Olivia the biggest hug she had ever had from anyone. Other gangsters that were there were smiling and relieved with joy. Sammy went over to Jose and said Your dang lucky homie. No my boy is lucky, and you can direct me Smiley again. Aight fool.         As the day went by everyone went back to thier dental plates to change habilitate and get ready for that night. more or less 7:00 at night everyone retuned to the hospital. Flaco stood up on the chair and made an annoucement saying Yo, Homies discover up, alright. We are vent to leave here to go get those colonia members and when we do theyll pay badly. aught shoots at water supply Redlens and gets absent with it. Now let go get those........! Andrea, Olivia, and Maria, and the rest of you girls wait here at the hospital just incase the docter necessarily to talk to somebody to the highest degree the kid. Ok? Smiley your coming with us, you got melodic phrase to take care of. As they all began to leave Olivia pulled Sammy to the facial expression and said, please be careful, befoolt get caught, ok? Come back to me. prognosticate me you will. Sammy pulled Olivia to him and kissed her then smiled and said I promise you Ill get on with back, and in one piece.         any the cholos went crusing around to look for colonia. afterwardwards(prenominal) both and half hours of looking all round the ghetto they at terminal found them. Colonia was standing(a) outside of thier leaders car, Chato (Hugo). Sammy pulled up to them on the other side of the road. The rest of his homies were laying down in the back of the car. They were waiting for the right moment to amazement Colonia with thier guns. Sammy got out of the car and gave the signal. All of Sammy homies in the back of his car started shooting at the little group of colonias. to each one one of colonia got shot somewhere on thier body, when the shots ended Flaco told Smiley to get out of the car and walk over to Chato with Sammy and do what he had to do. Sammy grabbed Chato in front he could get away and said bye-bye. With a smile. Smilie smiled at chato and said in spanish Esta prior(a) yo hijo.(this is for my son) The he pulled the jaunt at his head and Chato fell to the gound unwarranted with a menstruation of blood flowing. Smiley and Sammy rushed to the car as they herd the cop sirens, and went back to the hospital.

        Back at the hospital Olivia was worried sickish approximately Sammy, she sat nexted to the frustrate in his private room, praying that Sammy didnt get caught by the police, well-nigh twain minutes later Sammy and Smiley walked into the room. Olivia turned around with amazement. She jumped up and hugged Sammy and kissed him. She was releived to see Sammy wasnt hurt. Sammy asked Olivia, How is my boy doing? Olivia said, real good, the docter came in alittle while agone and told me that Alejandro would be out of the hospital in aboout a workweek and a half. Smiley smiled at her and gave her a hug for watching his son.         Sammy pulled Olivia to the side and asked her, Olivia, I gotta keep low for a while, I got to go to South L.A, so the cops codt find me. I want to know if youll incur with me, you said your dad didnt care what you did. We will go and rent a down(p) apartment, it will be just for a couple of months then we can make out back, I promise. All the other homies went home to pack thier things they have to lay low too, most of Water Redlens gang had to infract up, and it isnt like we have to go to develop anymore, cause you know that school is over so were fine, please come with me. Olivia said Yeah, sure, Ill go with you, its better than alive with my dad, he tiret even want me. Sammy smiled and they both went to each others houses to go get thier things.         As the months went by Olivia and Sammy waited for the day that Flaco would chaffer them up and tell them to come back for a meeting. Finally Flacos call came, after seven mounths of waiting, Sammy answerd the telecommunicate Hello hey fool, whats up! said Flaco Hey homie, dang its been a long time since weve talked, yeah, well its time for that meeting. Alright but its just going to be me coming, Olivia cant come, shes pregnant you know, Im going to be a daddy. Nah for real homie, congratulation. But, hey, be at my place at 6:00 tonight.Ok?         When Sammy roled up to Flacos remodeled house he saw all of his homies, even Smiley and Alejandro. Alejandro walked up to Sammy and said, whad up homeboy, look at me now Im good as new. And I can talk becuase Im triplet now. Flaco nicknamed me Surviver. Tight huh! Sammy laughed with excitment, Smiley walked up and picked up Alejandro and said whats up to Sammy. Sammy told Smiley the good news about Olivia and that they were going to get matrimonial after the baby is born. Smiley congratulated him. Jesse and Andrea walk up butt and tapped Sammy on the shoulder, he turned around and said,Hey whad up yall Jesse said well im gettin married in about two monthes. Oh thats cool thats when Olivia is collect for delivery, Oh yeah, that right Olivia told Andrea on the call off that she was having a baby . yeah then after the baby is born were going to get married too. Tight.         Flaco assembled everyone in to the living room, it looked passably much the akin, holes were spotty up. Flaco began to speak, Yall weart have to lay that low anymore, the word on the street is that the cops stopped looking for the killers but those stupid Colonias didnt know it was us ,they fag outt know the exact people. All the gang member that were involed in the murder were relieved that they could go into townspeople and act cool instead of nervous.         When Sammy went home and told Olivia the news, she suggested buying a house. Sammy agreed, two weeks onward the baby came Sammy found a house and got some of his homies to help move furniture in the new house.         The baby was born November 17th, 1999. He was named Sammy Megual junior Tellez. Also, Andrea and Jesse were married the same day as Sammy and Olivia. A double wedding. deuce age passed by and Sammy and Olivia were more in love then they were before they were married. On June 20th, Sammy and Olivias two year anniversary, Sammy walked through the door of his home, Olivia came to greet him. Andrea had been in the babys room lay the baby for his nap. Sammy gave Olivia a big hug and sentimentalist kiss, and from behind his back he pulled a beautiful smart as a whip red travel. Olivia smiled and gave him another(prenominal) hug, but then unexpectedly another drive by went by, but only this time it hit Sammy in the back through the heart. He began to fall from Olivias arms to the ground. Olivia screamed No, No, God, No Please!! Sammy please taket go, please dont leave me all alone. Andrea rushed from the babys room and saw Sammy pickings his last breath by saying, I-I love y-you, always withdraw y-you g-got the best of m-m-me, Sammy Jr. Tell h- him I love h--hi--him when he is ololder. Ill always be there for y-y-y-y-you.......         Olivia sat there with her head on his government agency crying while she heared him take his last breath. She lifted up her head and saw that the bright beautiful red blush had layed next to Sammys heart, and Olivia knew what he said was true, but that however didnt stop the tears from falling. Andrea solace Olivia next to Sammys body.         At Sammy Tellez funeral over three cytosine people attended, each person brought and put a bingle red rose on his coffin. Even though Olivia knew Sammy Jr. wouldnt substantiate any of this until he was older, but Sammy did give the best pose to Olivia other than thier child in concert; he had given her his heart. If you want to get a full essay, station it on our website:
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